
The RapidSpellGUIPresenter has a 100% customizable UI (IDialogView), provides user dictionary functionality, is multi-threaded and is extremely simple to use. The interface has a familiar layout and functionality.

RapidSpellGUIPresenter will interactively check any TextBoxBase derived class, this includes TextBox, RichTextBox and their sub-classes. When invoked in an application the component will query the user on each misspelled word allowing the following functions;

Ignore All occurrences of misspelt word
Add to user dictionary if provided
Change misspelt word to suggestion or user amended text
Change All occurrences of misspelt word
Undo last action
Options editor with user dictionary edit

The GUI checks selections (querying to continue when finished), wraps from current caret position back to current caret position and handles the user editing the text in your application while checking is in progress.

Please see later sections for details on customizing the UI and the API documentation for member information.